Boundary county Residents, Why Hire Our Truck Accident Lawyers?


- Boundary county drivers qualify for our No Win, No Fee Promise!


- Only Representing Victims & Families of Injury and Fatal Truck Crashes


- $11,000,000 Recent Truck Accident Settlement     


-  Boundary county Network of Truck Accident Lawyers


-  Local Specialty Truck Accident Attorneys in Boundary county, Idaho



Warning: Trucking and Insurance companies operating in Boundary county, Idaho have Immediate Response Teams


quickly dispatched to the accident scene where they build a strong defense case against you!


Solution: Our Boundary county Truck Accident Lawyers, once contacted, will send their own Expert Truck Accident Response Team to build the strongest case for YOU!


In Boundary county, Idaho, IT IS IMPORTANT TO CALL NOW!

*Please note, we do not represent truckers for moving violations/tickets




Call Now: 1-800-708-5433

Boundary county truck accident attorneys, settlements and lawsuits
Boundary county truck accident lawyers, law firms, lawsuits "Trucking companies have Immediate Response Task Force Teams dispatched to the Boundary county truck accident scene to build a defense against you.
Boundary county truck accident lawyers & lawsuits We send our own Boundary county Expert Truck Accident Response Team to build the strongest case FOR YOU.
Boundary county semi truck accident lawyers Boundary county Residents Call now to launch YOUR TRUCK ACCIDENT LEGAL TEAM to help YOUR CASE!


Boundary county commercial truck accident lawyer

Boundary county commercial truck accident attorney $11,000,000 Settlment Truck Crash
Boundary county best commercial truck accident lawyer $6,000,000 Settlement
Boundary who is the best commercial truck accident lawyer? $2,000,000 Jury Verdict
Best commercial truck accident lawyer in Boundary county $1,000,000 Settlement
& Many More...

 Learn the Leading Causes of Trucking Accidents in the United States (News Article. Jason Waechter, 9/2016)


In Boundary county, Idaho, When a truck accident occurs, immediate investigation on your behalf is

extremely important.


Boundary county residents, please read our article about how trucking companies in Boundary county, Idaho and all over, handle truck accidents when they occur. Trucking companies have their Immediate Accident Response Teams (IRTs) ready to investigate Boundary county truck accidents. You will understand why you must have an attorney experienced in trucking accident cases in Boundary county when you see the immediate response these companies orchestrate against you.


We are very familiar with crashes on Interstate 95. Former Greyhound bus expert works on our bus cases. Extensive commercial passenger carrier experience.


We will get you JUSTICE!

Call NOW: 1-800-708-5433 Boundary county residents qualify now for No-Win No-Fee


Named The Top 100 Trial Lawyers!


We have extensively researched, worked with, and/or associated with the finest trucking injury attorneys in Boundary county and across the country. Our network of specializing attorneys has a proven winning record in Idaho (See Results page. Million Dollar Winners).




Boundary county residents, ask for Attorney Jason Waechter personally. We want to get our vast network of experts and specializing truck injury lawyers working on your Boundary county settlement or lawsuit case now.


Call NOW: 1-800-708-5433 No-Win No-Fee for Boundary county residents



That's what we get for our clients. Millions have been paid to our clients. We are 'million dollar winners!'




Attorney Jason Waechter is a member of the most prestigious national trucking organizations for lawyers (American Association for Justice’s Trucking Litigation Group).




Attorney Jason Waechter has become an expert in litigating serious injury and death accidents involving tractor trailers (semi trucks) and other commercial vehicles.

We have extensively researched, worked with, and/or associated with the finest trucking injury attorneys in each state nationwide. Our network of specializing attorneys has a proven winning record in your state.


To associate with the best lawyers, we have researched the legal periodicals, law journals, verdict reporters and other materials. They have winning verdicts, have won awards, speak at seminars teaching other attorneys and have excellent reputations. They are known and respected by judges and defense attorneys and feared and revered by insurance companies.

Call us for free advice and a free assessment of your tractor trailer (semi truck) or commercial vehicle causing serious injury or death case.


If the Law Offices of Jason A. Waechter do not personally handle your case, we will associate with or refer you to a proven specialist in the state the accident took place, all with the same no win, no fee promise. Just because two law firms are involved never means you pay more than the typical contingency fee. (Stated another way, you may get two firms for the same fees as one and there are no fees unless we collect money for you).